All children are individual and staff recognise and respect that children develop at their own pace. We continuously observe, evaluate and record how each child develops. We do this through play, activities and routine.

As a centre we follow a yearly plan of themes and activities are planned around these topics.
This year we are looking at:
People who help us
The Jungle
A healthy me
All children like to be outdoors we have a large play area with half soft surface with access to the school fields and nature reserve. We encourage all children to experience most weather conditions and provide suitable outdoor clothing and footwear for each child
Children Under 2 - Butterfly Room
Every day basic needs are met and catered to each individual child. E.g., feeding, sleeping, and changing. Activities are age appropriate and revolve around the children’s development. We include and always encourage the following:
Lots of eye, physical contact
Staff interaction
Use of baby toys
Sensory feely mats
Water play
Books, music
Outdoor play

Children aged 2-5 year old
This age group is both within full daycare and flying start playgroup places. These include, the Buzzy Bees, Wiggly Worms and Ladybird rooms.
We offer a well-planned stimulating routine throughout the day as a whole room as well as spontaneous opportunities that will complement areas of development and the early desirable outcomes/foundation phase., these include, personal and social, mathematical, creative, physical, knowledge and understanding of the world, language, literacy and communication. Basic Welsh is used through all activities.

After School Club/Holiday Club
Children age 4-11 years
Staff recognise the difference in age of the children who can attend and activities, toys available are suitable and appropriate for their age. These include technology, board games, craft work, quiet time, and homework. We have a number of bikes, scooters and outdoor equipment which are used on the premises.
Holiday club runs through all school holidays except Christmas. Activities and outings are planned in advance to keep the children stimulated, busy and happy over the holiday periods.